Social, Ethical and Modern Slavery Policy Statement
LaddersFree provide Nationwide Window Cleaning Services to shops, restaurants, offices, hotels and other commercial premises. Whilst the main operational activity of LaddersFree is commercial window cleaning, we do also provide other cleaning services including cladding, signage and fascias and guttering delivering our services to customers in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.
Our responsibilities now extend beyond the traditional boundaries of a traditional window cleaning company and the Management Team at LaddersFree recognise its corporate responsibility that our customers, employees and other stakeholders want and expect us to adopt with regards to social and ethical issues.
By doing this, it means our customers can purchase our services safe in the knowledge that they are being supplied by a business that meets the following code of practice :-
Health & Safety – LaddersFree promote a safe and healthy working environment. In the event of accidents, we will investigate all instances accurately and thoroughly and our objective will be to continue to eliminate all accidents. Our commitment to health and safety is demonstrated by us being awarded Safe Contractor and CHAS Accreditations for more than 10 years.
Working Hours – Employee hours will comply with legislation. We will always provide adequate breaks.
Wages and Salaries – Our commitment to Wages and Salaries is demonstrated by our recent application to the ‘Living Wage Foundation’. We believe we will meet the necessary criteria to be awarded accreditation. Employees will be paid at or above market rates, and in accordance with legislation.
Equality – The Group operates an Equality Policy and will not tolerate discrimination.
Working Conditions – Our employees will not be allowed to work in hazardous areas, unless adequate training had been provided. We are aware and comply with the UK Modern Slavery ACT and no-one under the age of 16, or in a forced labour situation, will be involved in our business.