Lidl Case Study
At the end of 2012 we were approached by the Lidl supermarket chain as they wished to engage our services for sixty of their stores. Problems with the standard of service from their current contractors mean that that the Management Team at Lidl wanted and needed to find a new service provider. We started window cleaning services at Lidl during 2013, and this partnership has proved so successful we are now carrying out regular window cleaning services at 75 stores across the UK.
As well as the exemplary cleaning service we provide Lidl, they also receive a number of other benefits by using LaddersFree. This includes;
- One point of contact.
- One payment point
- Full compliance with the latest health and safety guidelines
- Fully insured and documents readily available for perusal
- Use of local operatives reduces travelling time leading to lower costs
- Courtesy calls carried out on a regular basis to ensure complete client satisfaction
- Fast response to any requests for additional cleans outside of the regular agreement