Prezzo Case Study

Prezzo is a group of 300 Italian Restaurants located across the UK and Ireland. Having opened its first branch in 2000, it is now one of largest restaurant chains in the UK.

Who cleaned the windows before LaddersFree?

For many years the restaurant windows were cleaned by the local window cleaner, but with such a large estate the management team decided to engage the services of National Window Cleaning Service Provider.

Problems with service, a lack of communication and an inability to successfully integrate ProNett, (the FM Software Solution that was used by window cleaners and other property maintenance contractors) meant that Prezzo urgently needed to find a new service provider.

When did we start?

With 100’s of operatives already working in all major towns and cities across the UK, Prezzo asked us to help and within a few weeks all the Restaurants were receiving a reliable window cleaning service.

LaddersFree started window cleaning in March 2016 and now clean all the windows for Prezzo Group Holdings, which also operates Chimichanga, Caffé Uno and MEXico.

Having already been let down by a previous service provider, the management team at Prezzo wanted to find a Company that fulfilled three criteria;

i)             To successfully introduce and manage ProNett with its workforce

ii)            Deliver a Quality Service resulting in Happy Restaurant Managers

iii)           Provide One Point of Contact via a dedicated Customer Support Team

Having carried out the regular window cleaning service to all Prezzo Restaurants for more than 12 months, we were certain that we were providing the quality service that Prezzo were looking for.

However, it was important to get feedback and in May 2017 we carried out an internal audit of the window cleaning services provided to the Prezzo Restaurants. Each of the restaurant managers provided an overall service score of between 1 and 5 as well as some feedback on the existing window cleaning service.

LaddersFree are pleased to report the following results;

  • Between 9th May and 17th May 2017, 288 Restaurants were contacted and LaddersFree were able to get feedback from 282 restaurants, of which 279 restaurants provided us with a service score of between 1 and 5.
  • 266 out of 279 Restaurants gave a score of 4 or 5 (95%)
  • The Average Score across all Restaurants = 4.7

The Auditing Team at LaddersFree were very pleased to report the feedback to our window cleaners.

Prezzo Head Office said;

‘LaddersFree are a professional and well organised company. They are passionate about their work and always complete the work to a high standard.’

For further information about our National Window Cleaning Service Call us on 0800 118 2830.

Awards and Accreditations:
laddersfree safe contractor
safe contractor laddersfree
trustpilot laddersfree
ipaf laddersfree
best rated laddersfree
living wage laddersfree