Whether you are looking for a residential window cleaner for your home or commercial window cleaners for your business, it can be tricky to know where to start, what to ask and who to choose. Proposals with a range of prices, copies of different qualifications and accreditations and a list of other services offered, it can suddenly seem like a major headache.  But it doesn’t have to be that way.  Here we look at some top tips to help you choose the right window cleaner.

Background Checks

A Company Website is usually a good starting off Point.
Before even asking for a price or quotation from a window cleaning company, it is worth doing a little background research on them.  Do they have a website? If so, check to see what kind of work they have been doing and if they have any reviews or customer feedback. The company website will also tell you a little about the company, such as how long they have been in business, what kind of experience they have and how many people work for the company.

Health and Safety Compliance and Insurance.
Safety is another major concern and you want to know that the window cleaning company you are considering has an excellent safety record.  Of course, accidents can happen to anyone but it is best to choose a company that will do all they can to minimise the risks by complying with legislation, carrying out essential risk assessments and method statements and using safety signage when carrying out work.

Public Liability Insurance is the other important factor. Some companies may display a copy of their policy on a website or provide information upon request. Ensuring the company is not only insured but adequately insured for the method used to clean windows (traditional, water fed poles or mobile platforms) and insured up to a suitable height is vital in case that unexpected accident does take place.

Standardised vs tailored

The vast majority of window cleaners who serve domestic houses will have a standardised rate, usually based on the number of bedrooms in the house or the number of windows. This works well because most houses in a single street will be the same size and have the same number of bedrooms. It also means that neighbours will be paying the same and avoids arguments!

A tailored quote tends to be the option used when larger properties such as businesses are looking for a quotation. There are no standard number of bedrooms to work with in this scenario and the number and size of windows can vary from one building to another. Therefore, window cleaners will usually provide a tailored quote for that specific business premises.

What should you look for in a Residential Window Cleaning Quote?

Many window cleaners will provide a price list that gives examples of what they will charge for a specific job, for example price A applies to three bed houses, price B to four bed houses and price C to five bed houses.  These price lists are usually dated to ensure that customers are on the most recent version so if you have had the price list for a while, check that it is still the current version.

Price lists will often give basic details about what services are provided and any additional services that can be provided, along with the price of those additional services, for example gutter or fascia cleaning.

Frequency of cleaning is also sometimes provided, although this can be discussed with the window cleaner themselves if flexibility may be required. Most window cleaners have a route of sorts that they follow so they will be in a certain area on a certain day of the week. This means you will know when they will be cleaning the windows and how long until the next visit.

To help you choose the right window cleaner don’t just make a choice based on price. Ask your window cleaner what happens after they have carried out the clean. Do they let you know by SMS or do they put a note through the door?

What should you look for in a Commercial Window Cleaning Quote?

For businesses, something a little more comprehensive is required.  They may provide a verbal estimate based on information provided over the phone but in order to give a proper written quotation, a visit to the premises may be needed.  A quotation is a full breakdown of services provided, such as the number of windows cleaned, whether it is for outside or outside and inside along with the frequency. Additional cleaning services should be itemised and usually require a less frequent service. This may include the cleaning of skylights, fascias, Canopies, solar panels and internal balustrades.

A written quotation can be delivered on paper, sent via fax or email. To know you are dealing with a professional company, it should include elements such as:

  • The total price (including and excluding vat is appropriate)
  • A more detailed breakdown of the service and price
  • Schedule of when the work will be done
  • Payment Terms and Methods of Payment
  • Copies of Accreditations
  • Copy of Insurance Policy
  • Case Studies, Testimonials or a List of Referees

With window cleaning, many prospective customers are unsure about frequency so this is a great opportunity to ask the window cleaner for some advice based on the location and height of the premises and maybe even your budget.

Some companies even include photos of work they have carried out to show customers their experience in the industry. Photos may also be included from their site visit to the premises to show they have been on site and to confirm any additional requests that were made during that site visit.

What is a tender?

A tender is similar to a quotation and is usually submitted where a business has asked a number of companies to provide a quotation for a detailed specification of work that needs to be carried out  In submitting the tender some businesses will also ask to break down costs such as administration costs, manageable time and costs and estimates of reimbursable expenses.

The business will assess the tenders and choose the appropriate company.


Regardless of whether you are looking for a quote for a small domestic property or a large commercial premises like a school or hotel, choosing the right company that provide a quality service at a competitive price and in compliance with all health and safety legislation is what is important. By doing some background work and looking at the window cleaner’s website, asking for testimonials and looking for accreditations, insurance and any other useful documents in the quotation, you can be confident in your choice leaving the element of chance nowhere to be seen.